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Nature Club

About Nature Club :

Nature club is an autonomous organization of nature lovers from various departments of the college and run by dept. of Botany.
The club has been active on the campus since 2014, under the leadership of Dr. S. V. Madhale who is coordinator.

The major objectives of the club are:

  1. To inculcate Love of Nature in the minds of college youth
  2. To develop social and environmental commitment
  3. To develop leadership qualities and personality excellence through interdisciplinary group activities
  4. To help students develop organizing capacity through independent planning and execution of environmental programs
  5. To help them aware of the concept of ecological balance through environmental education programs

Activities by Nature Club :

  • Plantation
  • Trekking and visit to nearby forest
  • Rally for awareness in Ganesh festival to avoid pollution
  • Cleaning of river after Genesh festival
  • Swatchyata Abhiyan
  • Guest lecture
  • Poster presentation on nature